A Breakup Letter to Blogtober.

Dear Blogtober,

I am sorry that I didn't take care of you like I said I would. I'm sorry that I neglected you for an entire month. I know we had the potential to be great, and maybe someday in the future we can be together again. I realize that I overlooked you and focused too much on myself, and started to hate thinking about you or talking about you. I was a terrible blogger, even though you have always been there for me. Overall, I guess you deserve better, and you won 't find that with me right now. So I hope that we can still be good friends for now. Thanks for understanding.

From, Heather.

Blogtober was a fun experience to try out for a little while. I guess I felt like I owed an explanation to someone for why I didn't continue blogging each day of October. But I don't really owe anybody anything. So I dedicated my apology to my blog instead.

October might have been the hardest month of my life since my parents divorced. I'm not quite sure how I even got through the weeks, let alone the days. 

I wish I could explain more, but it's been hard enough to start this post. 

Thank you to the people who helped me push through the sad moments and the depressing hours.

I love you, Blogtober, it's just not meant to be.

Here's to a hopeful Heather, ready for a happy November!
